How to build core muscle strength!
Here’s how you can work on strengthening your core muscles, by incorporating these exercises into your routine you’ll be able to strengthen and develop abdominal strength.
- Planks; Planks are excellent, for targeting and strengthening your core. Start by getting into a push up position with your elbows aligned under your shoulders and keep your body in a line from head to heels. Hold this position for long as you can while maintaining form.
- Russian Twists; Sit on the floor with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground. Lean back. Lift your feet off the floor. Hold a weight or medicine ball then twist your torso to one side bringing the weight or ball next to your hip. Repeat this twisting movement to the side. Russian twists focus on engaging your abdominal muscles.
- Leg Raises; Lie down on your back with arms at either side. Positioned beneath your hips, for support. Keep legs straight. Raise them off the ground lifting towards the ceiling without letting them touch the floor again when lowering them down. This exercise specifically targets the core muscle.
- Bicycle Crunches; Start by lying on your back with your hands behind your head and knees bent. Lift your shoulders off the ground. Bring one knee towards your chest while twisting your torso to touch the elbow to that knee. Keep alternating sides as if you’re pedaling a bicycle.
- Hanging Leg Raises; If you have access, to a pull up bar or a captains chair hanging leg raises are great for working out the abs. Simply hang from the bar. Use the chair for support and raise both legs up in front of you.
- Swiss Ball Rollouts; Begin by kneeling in front of a ball with your hands resting on it. Extend your arms forward rolling the ball away from you while keeping your body in a line. Then roll it back towards you to complete one repetition.
- Deadlifts; While deadlifts mainly target the back and legs they also engage core muscles like the erector spinae, which help stabilize the spine during this exercise.
- Stability Ball Crunches; Sit on a stability ball with both feet flat on the floor. Cross your arms over your chest or place them behind your head for support. Perform crunches while maintaining balance, on the ball.
These exercises will help strengthen and tone your core muscles.
It’s important to include a variety of exercises, like these in your workout routine. Gradually increase the intensity or resistance over time to keep challenging your muscles.. Don’t forget, proper nutrition and overall fitness are also factors, in achieving strong and defined abs. If your just starting out with a new exercise routine have a professional assess capabilities and guide you in proper form to prevent injuries.
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